Case Studies

Professional Coach Training for a Non-Profit Organization

Partners for Sacred Places (PSP) is the only national, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to the stewardship and community use of America’s older religious properties. They promise to provide one-on-one coaching and support to give congregations and civic leaders the tools they need to keep sacred places at the heart of their communities.

Their problem was, they didn’t really have anyone on staff with Coaching skills or credentials. So in May of 2023, PSP contracted with Potentials to come on site and provide Professional Coach Training to select members of their staff. We trained six people to Level I, and the whole programmatic portion of the organization pivoted.

Now, PSP can deliver on their mission, helping communities and congregations exist in this evolving faith-based world.

A New Path Forward for a Community of Faith

A small congregation faced a familiar dilemma: “We need more young families to come in and support us with their time, talent and treasure, but… we do not want to change.”

There are clearly different paths how traditional communities of faith can move into the future. We reviewed a number of options which many congregations have pursued. From closing – to not changing at all. Do they sell their building  and rent it? Consolidate with other communities? Collaborate with similar non-profits?

We were prepared to work alongside them as they discerned which way they were being called. However, within a brief time, our approach and strategy shifted. It was necessary to create a new direction, accurately reflecting the exciting, novel approach that was working in their midst!  Through discernment work, resulting innovative initiatives and targeted outreach, this congregation had begun to make a recognized difference in their neighborhood and town. People began finding their way to the doors of this small, tucked away building, participating in a variety of programs.

Faith communities in the United States will continue to face challenges for the foreseeable future. This “Little Church with a Big Heart” is trail-blazing, stepping up to post-pandemic revitalization and charting a new, successful course!

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