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ROI of Coaching

You perhaps have heard people say, “Well, what would be the ROI (Return on Investment) if we decide to go ahead with this?” Many organizational leaders, from the C-suite to the department head have expressed suspicion about the efficacy of “the fad du jour,” coaching. It is not a fad, and those who have benefitted from working with a skillful and well-trained Professional Coach cannot say enough good (seemingly) about the benefits of the work

Book Review

Book Review: Outlive, by Peter Attia, MD

Two colleagues recommended the same book to me. They are both smart, witty, on-top-of-it people, very engaged in living a good life, and in different parts of the country, so it got my attention. A little context for what I am about to offer, in a signature statement: Professional Coaching is equal parts an art and a discipline. It is important to participate in skill development (continuing education) regularly, practice, stretching to grow in your


North Falmouth – Little Church, Big Heart

Some “success stories” are more exciting to tell than others. When that is the case, it is usually because there is an element of the (pleasantly) unexpected in unfolding of the story.  It is exciting to be able to tell this genre of story about my work with the North Falmouth Congregational Church.  Even as I write this, I hear “the little engine that could” Church. The story that formed the basis of the beginning


The Body’s 3 Languages: Thoughts, Feelings & Intuition

I want to start off by sharing a favorite quote of mine that really helped me shift the framework around how I view the ‘mind-body split’ people like to talk about:  “The body isn’t a thing we have, but an experience we are,”   Christine Caldwell, Bodyfulness What comes to mind for you as you read this statement? For me, I find that it recenters me. Repurposes my existence. Helps me remember the entirety of


How Do You View Work/Life Balance?

I had started a new job and was excited, very excited. It was not uncommon for me to wake up at 3 am with a puzzle solved, or a new idea. I would get out of bed and head into my home office to get the idea or puzzle recorded and often sent the email to the person I intended to share it with, so I could 1) be sure to remember to hit send


Coaching Through the Lens of Race and Racial Trauma

Marjorie’s client, a Black woman, her first, is contemplating a career change. One of the few employees of color, she has worked as an assistant editor for five years at a well-known publishing company. The white assistants have been promoted to editor within their first two years. According to her performance evaluations, her work has

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