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Coaching Through the Lens of Race and Racial Trauma

Marjorie’s client, a Black woman, her first, is contemplating a career change. One of the few employees of color, she has worked as an assistant editor for five years at a well-known publishing company. The white assistants have been promoted to editor within their first two years. According to her performance evaluations, her work has


What Does It Mean To Stand On The Threshold?

What Does It Mean To Stand On The Threshold? Things changed while we were all in lockdown. Many congregations and organizations have found that emerging from the pandemic means they are emerging into sustained changes and continued demands for further change. This is not easy for those who imagined “going back” to “normal.” We have learned that the congregations and organizations that thrived during COVID were the ones that were, among other things, innovative and

Guest Podcast

People of the Way – Claire Bamberg with Matt McGee

People of the Way – Claire Bamberg with Matt McGee *Click the play button above to listen to the podcast Founder of Potentials, Claire Bamberg, was a guest on “The Last Service”, which is a Podcast airing for the first time on Feb. 6th. Her piece is about congregations in transition and the many choices they are making about their futures . We hope you find this information inspiring and challenging. In this episode, Claire


What Is The Difference Between Coaching & Psychotherapy?

What Is The Difference Between Coaching & Psychotherapy? As one of those individuals who has been blessed to have achieved a credentialed status in both disciplines/vocations, I (Claire) find this question an important one to answer. Distinguishing between the two “hats” best begins with the similarities: good listening, questions, an attunement to the circumstances of the client, and a desire to “help”, to be a positive and empowering presence in the client’s life. The differences


What Is The Difference Between Coaching & Consulting?

What Is The Difference Between Coaching & Consulting? Professional coaching mines the untapped potential inside a group, team, or individual. A coaching session with a professionally trained coach will feel like a comfortable, seamless conversation in which you discover something about yourself or your situation about which you were not aware. Thoughtful responses to the coach’s carefully constructed and well-timed questions and silences hold space for the evoking of this new knowing. This new awareness,


What Makes A Coach “Good?”

What Makes A Coach “Good?” Katherine May once wrote, “Our sense of enchantment is not triggered only by grand things; the sublime is not hiding in distant landscapes. The awe-inspiring, the numinous, is all around us, all the time. It is transformed by our deliberate attention.” When we think about the very best coaching, it begins with attention, an awareness of ourselves, our bodies, our space, our interactions, our senses – all of it. And

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